One year anniversary!

Yesterday marked one year of wedded bliss for me and my handsome husband. We’ve had a crazy busy year (new job + travel, buying a house, becoming landlords, personal travel, etc.) and it’s been pretty amazing.

However, we discuss quite often that marriage is not all cotton candy and candy apples (not even in the first year). But marriage, as a committment you made in front of family and friends and most importantly, to each other, is a job. And it should be the job where you focus most of your energy. Not saying that it should be your toughest job, because if you’re with the right person, a lot of it comes easily and naturally. But it’s work to not snap at your sig-o when you’re hungry (or hangry, as I sometimes get), it’s work to step away from what you’re doing sometimes and focus on what your other half wants to do, sometimes we forget to put the phone/iPad down and listen to the other, sometimes we are preoccupied with our own thoughts, or sometimes we just want to be alone. But it’s important to remember that your other half is your partner, not your enemy. They’re on your side. They want to spend time with you, talk to you, and listen to you.


My husband and I met as co-workers and I’m glad he’s still my co-worker in marriage. Working together is incredibly important. I know how much it bothers him when I slip my shoes off at the door instead of putting them in the closet, and while it seems like a REALLY LITTLE thing, it’s easy to get caught up in really little things that annoy you. It’s a really little extra step for me to walk over to the closet and something that I should do because I KNOW it bothers him. It’s important not to get caught up in the little things and to focus on the big picture.

Taken by Sarah Photography
Taken by Sarah Photography

Ever since we started dating we’ve talked about goals for our life and our future and we continue to fous on those. We love to travel and continue planning out trips to places domestic and international. We made a list of our Top 5 destinations for each and cross matched (3/5 on both lists were the same). We’re managing owning two houses, although it’s not ideal, and I never wanted to be a landlord, it’s working. The plus is that we’re building equity in our other home and when we DO sell, we’ll be better off. We’re working on making our new house very homey and enjoying spending time in our yard, our rocking chairs and screened-in porch. We’re both very career focused right now and fortunate to be with a good company and doing what we love, or at least what our degrees are in. And we get to spend plenty of time with friends and family (including our new baby niece!). And yes, kids are in the future just not right now.

Taken by Sarah Photography
Taken by Sarah Photography

We don’t have a perfect marriage, but we have a darn good one. We’re still falling in love with each other day over day, laughing until our bellies hurt and there for each other when there are tears. I try to focus on the good, be happy and cherish all the little moments. I saw a quote this morning that said:

The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.”

How true, and how very bad of us. What people post on social media is not them at their worst, it’s laughing, smiling, happiness. Try not to compare yourself, or your relationship to that of others. Try to focus on how to continue, every day, making your relationship the best it can be. Your marriage is yours and your husband’s and you’re the only ones responsible for making it work. Social media has us questioning things that don’t need to be questioned. Spend time in reality, loving the most, focusing on what matters and sticking to your vows. Spend time cultivating a marriage that other people desire. You have your own highlight reel that is by far the most important one in the world.

Love like in the movies

A few days ago, I saw a Facebook post from a high school classmate that said “I want a fairytale. A love like you see in the movies.” I immediately started running movies through my head and wondering what exactly she wanted. A love like in Titanic? Where one of you freezes to death in an icy ocean?
When Harry Met Sally
? Where it takes you YEARS to realize that it had to be him/her?

Love Actually? Lord knows we all love this movie around the holidays but seriously, this is what was written about it for IMDB. Is that what you want?

“The characters are falling in love, falling out of love, some are with right people, some are with the wrong people, some are looking to have an affair, some are in the period of mourning; a capsule summary of reality. Love begins and love ends.”            – Written by Rosemea D.S. MacPherson 

Or maybe she was thinking Sweet November. There was great love there, but also cancer (that she didn’t tell him about). No bueno!
Perhaps it was the love story of Rhett and Scarlett that she wished for? Jealousy, eyes for another lover, drunken nights, unwanted children? gonewiththewindSeriously though, those “love stories” all have undesirable parts. They have fights, accidents, trials, and death, the real story is overcoming those things and living in happiness and  sharing a life with someone you can’t imagine living without. No matter what movie she is watching, she’ll see that the love isn’t always perfect. The Notebook left us all in tears. The Vow made you pray you never, ever lost your memory – and neither did your significant other. The point is, love isn’t a fairytale like we grow up thinking. Even Disney princesses go through hell before finding their prince charming.

It’s easy to think that your relationship isn’t as perfect as someone else’s when you see their pictures on Facebook and they look so in love. Or when all of your friends are getting married and you’re still just dating, or even still single. Forcing love isn’t the right route, and probably will end up at a dead end. Wishing to have love that’s all cotton candy and candy apples all the time isn’t realistic either. I’ve been married for four months and while I think we’re a great couple with a great love story, it doesn’t mean that we haven’t fought. It doesn’t mean that one of us isn’t annoyed when the other one doesn’t empty the dishwasher or take the laundry out of the dryer as soon as it’s done. But we’re still in love, and it’s perfect for us. That’s all that matters.

I’m not sure what this person meant by wanting a love like the movies. Maybe they wanted those few moments we see in a two hour film where we swoon – mostly we can attribute that to Bradley Cooper/Channing Tatum/Ryan Gosling being the guy who is saying all of those sweet, perfect lines in his oh-so-sexy voice. Newsflash, the other two hours of the movie aren’t like that. And if you were to watch “their life” together, you’d see more moments where they were bored, fighting, working, and doing all the things that life requires and less of those moments where they’re having candlelit dinners and holding hands on a beach and running into each other’s arms swearing to never be apart again. It’s great when those moments happen, and I’m not saying they don’t happen. I missed LW so much when I took a trip to San Diego that I couldn’t wait to get home – and we had one of those moments in the airport where I ran and jumped in his arms, the same arms that were holding flowers for me and I melted right there. However, when I get home from business trips these days, we don’t have that reunion. It’s more of a kiss, throw the luggage in the car and decide where to go for dinner kind of reunion. While it’s not as dramatic, it doesn’t make me feel any less loved.


The ultimate goal should be a love, relationship, and/or marriage where your love is cultivated. Where you focus on each other’s needs, wants, desires and make sure you love that person to the best of your ability – and then some. Focusing on movies or other people’s relationships will get you nowhere, and will probably only drum up some unnecessary resentment for your other half. Don’t let that get in the way of what can be your fairytale. A fairytale that no one else can have. A fairytale that is so wonderful, you can’t wait to tell your grandkids about it one day. Focus on you and your relationship. Focus on the good, and if it’s not good enough for you, make it better or move on – but don’t pine for unrealistic, scripted love. Real love is so much better.
I’ll leave you with this and hope you’ll stop comparing yourself to others and the movies: “Comparison is the theif of joy” – Theodore Roosevelt

Lucky in Love

Sometimes I have to stop and pinch myself and wonder how we got so lucky! I know I keep saying it, but we really are blessed to be surrounded by so many caring people in this time and to be showered with so much love!

I’d really like to thank our friends and family for being so incredibly wonderful and constantly volunteering to help or sending us sweet ideas. We are definitely lucky!

Happy Friday!

Bragging Bride

Y’all, I just have to brag on my sweet groom for a minute. Sometimes I think we get so caught up in the day-to-day that we overlook some of the qualities that made us fall in love in the first place. I was reminded this week, that one of my husband-to-be’s greatest qualities is his generosity. Throughout the year we volunteer with different groups, make conscious decisions to run races that support causes close to our heart (Get Your Rear in Gear!) and make donations as well. But for the past two years, he has chosen to sponsor a teenager from a home for special needs children and to buy them exactly what they want for Christmas. It’s that exactness that makes my heart swell with love for him.

Last year, the teenager wanted new jeans and an NFL jersey. The catch: he needed a size 52 in the jeans and an XXXX-L jersey to match. Well, my beau didn’t just go pick out any ol’ jeans for this kid. He searched high and low until he found stylish size 52 jeans and found the perfect jersey for him as well. It just really made my heart smile that he would do that for a complete stranger and put so much effort into making sure it was exactly what he wanted.

This year, the kid wanted a sweat suit and Timberland boots. He bought him a nice Nike sweat suit (totally in right now for teens!). After we looked for the boots, we started thinking that they might have put down the wrong size for the kid (size 3 for a teenager???). So, the bf had a dilemma. On Wednesday, he asked me to take the present to work for him and there was only one box. I asked what he decided to do about the boots and he told me he got the kid a gift card. For $100 so he could make sure he got the boots he wanted.  Heart. Smile.

I just love him. He is such a caring, generous, sweet man and I am so lucky that I am going to get to spend the rest of my life with him.

This post got me thinking of simple acts of kindness I can do over the holiday season… how do you make the holidays bright for others?